Sunday, July 18, 2021


In this era of infidelity, indulgence, and injustice,

Here are some easily digestible formulations and tricks,

To combat our modern meaningless & pulseless lives……

(You might feel it’s a random array of words, written by one on psychedelic substance abuse, but I’m sure, there are a lot to go between the lines and at times to think deeper..)

Disclaimer: It’s an original creation written with emotion in relation to devotion to a relationship that didn't attain fruition so just enjoy the moment of psychological passion.

“We stumble in a tangled web

Decaying friendships, almost dead

We all hide behind a mask of lies (FACE is the mask)

We twist and turn and we avoid

All hopes of salvage now devoid

I see the truth inside your eyes (Eyes- ‘Fundus is a window to the brain”- Dr. Kurian sir Anatomy Professor Kottayam Medical College)

So, youth take all these noises into Ur brain

And send it back again and again.


Don’t go making all these promises

You know you cannot keep

There’s time to play a king

And a time to play a thief

Cause if you’re making all these promises

You will know time will be the thief

And your fallen king will end up alone.


The body should be a slave to the mind

Killing a man’s enthusiasm is like killing him (my dad's advice)

Return to innocence with Love, Sensuality, and Devotion (LSD)

The ultimate power is TRUTH

Don’t let fate conquer you, Conquer the fate

Life is precious, single, and unidirectional. You must try to get as much of it as possible

“Union cannot be imposed but can only be encouraged” (Girdle Stone, Orthopedic surgeon)

Time, Place, and Person may change but the destination never changes.


I looked into the others eyes, many frustrations

Read between the lines, no words just confabulations

Don’t ignore hidden desires, pay attention-You’re playing with fire

Silence must be heard and Noise should be observed

Or Diamonds will burn and Friendly cards will turn

Cause silence has the right to be heard.


It’s hard to find the balance when you are in love

You’re lost in the middle,

Cause you have to decide between Mind & Heart

The heart is the engine of your body and blood is the fuel, but

Mind is the engine of your life and the fuel is LOVE.

Don’t think twice before you listen to your heart…


Try to think about it…. ‘The Gravity of Love’

That’s the chance to live your life and discover it

Look around just people, can you hear their voice?

Find the one who will guide you to ‘The Limits of your Choice’

But if you are in the eyes of a storm, just think of a lonely dove,

The experience of survival is the Key to the Gravity of Love.

Love is a crazy game it’s real and pure

All our life we’ll wait for her answer and the question is WHY???


I see love, I can see hatred, I feel danger, I can feel obsession

Don’t play games with the ones who love you

Cause I hear a voice which says

“I love you; I’ll kill you, but I’ll love you forever…”

Look into ‘The Mirror of your Soul’…Love and Hate are one in all

Sacrifice turns to revenge and believe me

You will see a face you have never seen...

In every color, there’s the light, in every stone sleeps the crystal,

Every moment in life is part of a game

We learn from failures and rejuvenate from our victories

Don’t be afraid that you are weak; don’t be too proud that you are strong

Just look into your heart my friend, that’s not the beginning of the end

That will be the return of you

The ‘Return to Innocence’ before you reach ‘The Point of no return’


They are accusing like always without knowing (paradooshanam)

What’s just Fiction or what’s the Truth

They have no mission, they have no passion

But they dare to say what is bad and what is good

People just talk too much about what they have to say (S.P)

Words without meaning just fading away

Don’t care what people say, just follow your own way

Don’t give up and use the chances

‘The Path of Excess’ leads to ‘The Tower of Wisdom’ (W.Blare)

Basic instincts, social life, Paradoxes side by side

If you want then start to laugh if you must then start to cry

Be yourself don’t hide, just believe in destiny

Don’t accept average habits and don’t be a fool

Open your heart and push the limits

Try to live your ‘Lost illusions’ they are ‘The spice of life’

Everything is possible beyond the invisible

Things are changing, but nothing changes, still, there are changes. The only thing that doesn’t change is CHANGE itself...

Most of the energy we spend is like footprints on moving sand (but I’ll leave it anyway)

“I tried to find him on the Christian Cross, but he was not there

I went to the Temple of Hindus and to the old pagodas

But I couldn’t find a trace of him anywhere

I searched in the mountains and in the valleys….

But neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find him

I questioned the scholars and philosophers….

But he was beyond their understanding

I then looked into my heart and it was there where…

He dwelled there that I saw him, he was nowhere else to be found.” (Jelaluddin Rumi)

“The soul belongs to GOD, but the body belongs to us.” (Rasputin)


There is no teacher who can teach anything new

He can just help us realize the things we always knew

If you understand or if you don’t

If you believe or if you doubt

There’s a universal justice

The Eyes of Truth are always watching you….

“I came out from the deep

To help and understand, not to disrupt the equilibrium...

To clear the debts of many….

Many hundred years” (‘the Cross of Changes’)


Dr. Arun P Nair dedicates this masterpiece to the lady

Who turned his tough battledores’ mind into a tender refuge of earthly passions!

His docile ox-like demeanor into a raging bull-like malevolence….


NURSERY RHYMES - (Strictly for casual fun only- might find similarities with the one living or dead, that's just coincidental only. No intention to tarnish anyone specifically)


Your eyes are nice and you’re so wise

Your nose is rose like that of a horse

Your lips are potato chips which I like to kiss

Your teeth are white with which you bite

Your cheeks are sleek that’s what I seek

Your ear is a pear which makes me near

Your hair is like coir which I like to tear!

Your necklace has freckles like those on my knuckles

Your palm is a farm where I cultivate my jam!

Your gluteus is maximus but Ur pectoralis is major

Your flanks are full which makes me a bull!

Your thighs are fine and you know it's mine

Your leg is big like that of a pig!

Your shape is REALLY GREAT which I like to gaze

You’re my everything so you needn’t say a thing!

Your LOVE makes me MOVE…………….

So why don’t you PROVE your LOVE  ??? (for me)


Please send me your crazy ideas and freaky suggestions (

Bye friends Enjoy every moment in life!!!